Great Shit Box review on Home & Living News:
A portable and re-usable outdoor Lavatory from the Brown CorporationBy Manuel in Do It Yourself (DIY), Keeping Clean on July 2nd, 2008Summer is in full force, as is the festival season, camping, hiking, and all sorts of other outdoor activities. Of course being so close to nature means forgoing certain comforts offered by civilization. For many people the comfort they miss most is a clean, sanitary and porcelain toilet. At any
festival, whatever mobile toilets are available quickly degenerate into disgusting and nearly unusable conditions after only a few days of continuous use. If using the mobile toilets provided is out of the question, then the next option is to head for the woods, but even here bugs, poison ivy,
stinging nettle, and a general lack of comfort make this an unwelcome choice. Introducing the Shit Box portable lavatory from the Brown Corporation, which makes going to the bathroom in the wild nearly as comfortable, clean and sanitary as back home.
Although it might look a little basic, the Shit Box is actually quite cleverly designed and comes with many innovative features. For starters, its cardboard material means that it is incredibly lightweight and can easily be added to camping gear, such as your heavy
tent and air mattress, without adding any excess burden. Secondly, the Box can be folded up for more manageable transportation, and lastly, it is re-usable. Now the concept of a re-usable, portable cardboard box toilet might at first seem revolting and like a bad idea. However, the Shit Box comes with customised plastic poo bags that capture any waste, allowing the Box itself to stay clean and be used multiple times. And perhaps the coolest feature is that whenever the Box is not being used a toilet, it doubles as a perfectly workable seat, in case your legs get tired from walking. Why bother purchasing the
Amazonas Brasil Swinging Chair or the Outwell Arm Chair deluxe, when you can simply rest on your new Shit Box. With all these useful features, the Shit Box practically sells itself, and easily justifies its £15.67 price tag.
Shit Box on Home & Living News